Exactly a week ago, I journeyed to Mid Valley to meet up old friends. It was interesting to speak to them in person again, just like in school. Syahid seemed to have grown into an oversize Bollywood co-star. Fa'aiza and Ain were pretty much like the last time I saw them, which was quite long ago. EG and We' didn't appear to change much apart from their glasses. It was a joyous day indeed. There were many things to catch up on, paired with a healthy dose of bowling and eating session. And yeah, to elaborate more on bowling, I did manage to score three (3) strikes in a game. Anyway, I do hope to meet the others someday. Especially my friends from 5 Amanah. It should be fun too. A get-together like this reminds me where all these different paths that we lead today originated from.
So, those are the screenshots of that day.
hisyam... nk gamba bley send x kt email akuh eg_fzzzry@yahoo.com
thks... best sgt aritu...
yes i did change my glasses hehehehe....
zt ade btau yg die jeles ms hisyam pegi outing ngn old schoolmates, you should ask her abt this haha
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