Saturday, February 7, 2009

Friday The 6th

(Setting : Today)

I'm arranging these words while doing a few of my favourite things. Getting cozy in a sofa filled with cuddly cushions of various sizes, munching on some crackers and listening to some of the greatest songs mankind ever came up with. That's some multitasking in action there. And I'm also amazed by my ability to surf the net and watch the TV at once, with only my eyes juggling these two tasks ; not a single muscle moved or a bone turned.

I also feel the urge to share about my night. It hasn't been so dull, really. I watched some of the better parts of Malaysian comedy : The last 45 minutes of Raja Lawak, and before that, the first 15 minutes of Buletin Utama.

Sincerely, I'm not someone who's always got his finger on the pulse of the recent goings in national politics. But on the news tonight, everything seems clear, even for someone like me. Apart from laughing at the news anchors for their overdone attempts at sounding cynical and sharp, I also chuckled watching the stars of the show being overconfident about getting away with pretense. But this is merely an opinion. I'm not bothered to take sides. I admit, what does someone like me know. Or can do. Or say. When even the Perak citizens haven't got the opportunity to say anything. I mean, so far, at least. Who knows what happens tomorrow, so I reserve judgement.

Oh, about the comedian reality show, it did have its golden moments. Some of the participants were unquestionably good while others who didn't shine much still managed to linger around. But there were still times in the show when my interest in Malaysian comedy were restored. I'm quite proud, I would say!

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