Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Celebrating The Birth of.

Exactly 23 years ago at this moment, she came into this world.

She was meant to live an eventful life, in which every single day would be filled with laughter. And she was meant to complete lives of others. She still does.

Today, she has turned another year older. But she still stays the same lady like no other.

Happy Birthday ke 23 saya ucapkan kepada Dzeti Alfina Mohd Dashilah.

Terima kasih dan minta maaf seikhlas hati atas kelemahan dan kelalaian diri tak menandingi kasih sayang anda.

Have a great one.

My birthday girl.


alfina said...


dat is one ugly picture of me. i look prettier in real life, no?

Anonymous said...

Yaa, I should have put a disclaimer there stating that. But I guess it goes without saying.