Sunday, July 11, 2010

Between Rock and a Hard Music

Let's say theoretically, one day you are stuck between exactly two options. There is no way out, you are cornered in every angle. Let's assume that you are held at gunpoint, just to spice things up. You are forced to choose option A while you might be able to choose option B, which is closer to your heart.

Option A : Someone particularly important in your life asks for a big favour from you. One so big that it is unacceptable outside this little circle of relationship you have with this someone. Do know that it is one so big that it will burden you gradually more and more in the future. But do also know that it's not as big as the favours this someone has done for you all this while. That's if you want to refer to those stuffs as "favours".

Option B : You hate this, it pains you so badly that this someone is in this position right now. You want to place blame but the blame might be shared with you. You want to fully despise this person but with despise comes love that can't be erased. All these conflicting thoughts and rationalizing are giving you itch where you cannot reach. An itch, not so bad, but it gives you a feeling so uncomfortable unlike anything else. But in spite of the entangled mess in your heart, do know that hate prevails. So in this option, you will give this someone the favour but without any ounce of sincerity or peace at heart.

To sort your way out of this, you ask yourself : Here you are with two options, none of which makes you happy, but which option will you regret more for not taking? Turns out that this compromise is the real favour here.

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